Melody Movement Early Learning
The magical world of Melody Bear
Pre-school dance and beyond!
Milligan Bear® Melody Bear® Melody Movement, Little Bear Feet®, Junior Ballet™ & Ballet Classique™ are the trademarks of Jill Ewing
© Melody Movement Early Learning Ltd 2006 - 2016 Graphics © Rod Beeton © Photos Mark Ewing
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Progressing onwards and upwards with Melody Movement.
Junior Ballet is the step-up syllabus from Foundation Ballet.
Melody Movement Junior Ballet Class-in-a-Box
The Junior Ballet Class-in-a-Box is a gateway entry into the world of Melody Movement with an imaginative syllabus recommended for ages 6 upwards. It includes an introduction to barre work, centre practice, allegro, simple enchainements and creative ballet themes to inspire young dancers. The syllabus can also be used to support association grade exam work.
Full details are available in the MMEL Teacher Resource Catalogue.
Melody Movement Junior Ballet
The Melody Movement Early Learning Junior Ballet syllabus teaches children the basics of ballet and dance. In addition to simple barre and imaginative centre practice ideas, the syllabus has creative themes such as: the Weeping Willow Fairy dance, the Magic Shawl dance, Phoenix from the Fire, and the Woodland Ball with the wicked witch as our uninvited guest!
Children are also introduced to the music of ballets such as Swan Lake, Giselle and Coppélia.
Learning is fun with the Junior Ballet Award scheme. Children collect ballet vocabulary stickers in their Junior Ballet dictionary and work towards Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 badges. The vocabulary includes the French ballet terms, names of ballets and musical terms.
Visit our ‘classes’ page to find your nearest class.