Melody Movement Early Learning
The magical world of Melody Bear
Pre-school dance and beyond!
Milligan Bear® Melody Bear® Melody Movement, Little Bear Feet®, Junior Ballet™ & Ballet Classique™ are the trademarks of Jill Ewing
© Melody Movement Early Learning Ltd 2006 - 2016 Graphics © Rod Beeton © Photos Mark Ewing
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Melody Movement Ballet Classique teacher’s set-up package
This set-up package is available to licensed Melody Movement teachers and is an innovative new award scheme to run alongside association grades allowing children the opportunity for an additional pathway towards achievement. The set-up package includes full guidance notes on implementing the scheme together with the teacher’s answer file, official stamp and the Ballet Classique Handbook - a 28-page book with topics including the history of ballet, famous dancers, ballets and choreographers.
Full details are available in the MMEL Teacher Resource Catalogue.
‘Learning to dance and dancing to learn’™
Melody Movement Ballet Classique
Ballet Classique is a fun home-study programme providing young dancers with opportunities to learn more about the world of ballet and dance, reinforce ballet vocabulary, study theatre craft and explore how art, sculpture, shape and form, nature and literature can be used as creative stimuli for dance and movement. Students can show and share their other skills such as writing, research, art and design and poetry as they complete the challenges. To celebrate students’ achievements there are a total of six Ballet Classique medals to work towards. To receive the award, students gain five Ballet Classique merit stamps by completing five study challenges in one school term. The scheme is an opportunity for grade children to
Visit our ‘classes’ page to find your nearest class.
Year 1:
The Amber Medal collection
Première Leçon - Amber
Leçon Deux - Amethyst
Leçon Trois - Sapphire
Year 2:
The Jade Medal
Leçon Quatre - Jade
Leçon Cinq - Crystal
Leçon Six - Jet
Collect your Ballet Classique Merit stamps