Melody Movement Early Learning
The magical world of Melody Bear
Pre-school dance and beyond!
Milligan Bear® Melody Bear® Melody Movement, Little Bear Feet®, Junior Ballet™ & Ballet Classique™ are the trademarks of Jill Ewing
© Melody Movement Early Learning Ltd 2006 - 2016 Graphics © Rod Beeton © Photos Mark Ewing
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Foundation Ballet with Melody Bear
This syllabus is available to licensed Melody Movement teachers.
The syllabus includes full details of how to implement the Graduation Ceremony. The package includes a bonus CD of additional creative themes including Melody Bear’s hobbies of skating, bug collecting and walking her dog, plus Melody Bear travels the world to China, Russia, Japan and Spain. Additional resources are available for teachers wishing to run Foundation Ballet as a three term programme.
Full details are available in the MMEL Teacher Resource Catalogue.
Foundation Ballet with Melody Bear
Foundation Ballet with Melody Bear is a two term programme to bridge the gap between First Ballet with Melody Bear and Melody Movement Junior Ballet. It is a consolidation of Melody Movement and First Ballet, culminating in the Foundation Ballet Graduation Ceremony. The Ceremony is conducted by the teacher and performed to an audience of invited parents, friends and family.
In addition to a series of prepared skill based exercises, the syllabus includes new and original creative themes as the children join Melody Bear on a journey across the world and dance the Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish dances. Additional creative themes include Melody Bear’s hobbies as she walks her puppy, rides a horse, collects bugs and tries ice skating.
Visit our ‘classes’ page to find your nearest class.
‘Celebrating Achievement with Melody Movement’