Melody Movement Early Learning
The magical world of Melody Bear
Pre-school dance and beyond!
Graphic of dancing teddy, Melody BearMelody Bear logo,copyright R Beeton, J Ewing Melody Movement Early Learning Melody Bear logo.  Copyright R Beeton, J Ewing Melody Movement Early Learning Home. About Us. Classes . Melody Bear. Little Bear Feet. Melody Movement. Milligan Bear. First Ballet. Foundation Ballet. Junior Ballet. Junior Jewels. Ballet Classique. Grand Classique. Tip Tap Toe. Groovy Moves. First Tap & Modern. Foundation T & M. Student Helper. Award schemes. Extension Packs. Teacher resources. Teacher training. Books. Shop. Melody Bear HQ. Contact.
Tel: 01480 469711
Melody Bear logo.  Copyright R Beeton, J Ewing Melody Movement Early Learning
Milligan Bear® Melody Bear® Melody Movement, Little Bear Feet®, Junior Ballet™ & Ballet Classique™ are the trademarks of Jill Ewing
© Melody Movement Early Learning Ltd  2006 - 2021 Graphics © Rod Beeton © Photos Mark Ewing

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Melody Movement Early learning is a unique dance curriculum which addresses the needs of children aged 18 months upwards.  It is tailored to discovering and fulfilling the potential of each child, nurturing their creative development,  whilst supporting teachers with the tools to deliver effective and happy classes in music and movement, ballet and tap dancing.

Loveable teddy, Melody Bear, is the focal point of the early years curriculum, and all her activities, stories, ideas and dreams can be told through dance and movement.  The carefully planned learning experience of each child ensures a successful transition from one stage to the next.  The Melody Bear journey ends at the Foundation Ballet level as the children wave farewell to her at their Graduation Ceremony.  The creative spirit of Melody Movement continues in our Junior Ballet syllabus and Ballet Classique study programmes.

Since the launch of the first ‘Melody Movement Class-in-a-Box’ syllabus in 2006, its compendium of class activities, dance, characterisations, explorations of story narrative in music and group interaction has been embraced worldwide.  It is now the mainstay of dance schools in the UK and overseas.   

The Melody Movement team is happy to advise teachers and assist
parents looking for Melody Bear classes - call us on  01480 469711
‘Learning to dance and dancing to learn’™
For children aged 18 months upwards.
Pre-school dance classes with Melody Bear

Moving forwards with Melody Movement
First Ballet, Foundation & Junior Ballet syllabi
Ballet Classique & Student Assistant programme

For teachers - visit our Teacher page for further
details or ring 01480 469711 for a brochure

For parents - visit our ‘classes’ page to find
a class near you

Visit our shop for Melody Bears books & CDs
Join in the fun with the lovable teddy, Melody Bear
You Tube withe Melody Bear Pre-school children dancing with Melody Bear CPD modules for licensed teachers. Teacher Training Prospectus   . Melody Movement Curriculum Overview. Teacher resources

Email us to request a
teacher resource catalogue
or ring 01480 469711
Melody Bear is waiting in the wings to join you

Click her to find a class near you class
‘Grow and flourish
with Melody Bear’’™