Melody Movement Early Learning
The magical world of Melody Bear
Pre-school dance and beyond!
Graphic of dancing teddy, Melody BearMelody Bear logo,copyright R Beeton, J Ewing Melody Movement Early Learning Melody Bear logo.  Copyright R Beeton, J Ewing Melody Movement Early Learning Home. About Us. Classes . Melody Bear. Little Bear Feet. Melody Movement. Milligan Bear. First Ballet. Foundation Ballet. Junior Ballet. Junior Jewels. Ballet Classique. Grand Classique. Tip Tap Toe. Groovy Moves. First Tap & Modern. Foundation T & M. Student Helper. Award schemes. Extension Packs. Teacher resources. Teacher training. Books. Shop. Melody Bear HQ. Contact.
Tel: 01480 469711
Melody Bear logo.  Copyright R Beeton, J Ewing Melody Movement Early Learning
Milligan Bear® Melody Bear® Melody Movement, Little Bear Feet®, Junior Ballet™ & Ballet Classique™ are the trademarks of Jill Ewing
© Melody Movement Early Learning Ltd  2006 - 2019 Graphics © Rod Beeton © Photos Mark Ewing

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Melody Bear's book and CD series Graphic of Melody Bear and the Musical Instruments Book & CD

melody's story.mp3 gallops.mp3 ribbondance.mp3 stretching.mp3
Melody Bear’s story books are available from our online shop. Each full colour picture book has easy to follow guidelines for parents and carers suggesting dance movements appropriate to the story.  The accompanying CD includes the songs and music to dance to based on the story, and the story read aloud.

The books are children’s story books available to members of the public and are not teaching resources.  They do not carry with them any rights to teach Melody Bear’s Melody Movement classes or use the trademarks Melody Bear®, Melody Movement®, Little Bear Feet®, Milligan Bear®.

Only teachers licensed by Melody Movement Early Learning have permission to teach and promote Melody Bear and Melody Movement classes.  For details of how to become a licensed teacher and a member of the Melody Movement teacher group, email and a member of our team will be happy to help.
2melodystheme.mp3 Graphic of Melody Bear's First Dancing Class Book & CD
Book 1
Music 1
Song 1
Song 2
Music 2
Melody Bear’s story books

In Book 1 Melody Bear attends her first dancing class and finds that it is difficult to get the dance movements right, but she keeps on trying and trying.  

In Book 2 Melody Bear tries to play different musical instruments and finds inspiration to dance to the different sounds of the violin, penny whistle, saxophone and maracas.  The CD has amusing musical inserts of Melody Bear’s attempts to play instruments followed by Eugene Kulikov’s imaginative compositions for children to dance to as mermaids, birds, robots and carnival dancers.

In Book 3 Melody Bear is on her way to her dancing class, but whose footprints is she following?  Join Melody Bear as she discovers who has been splashing in the puddles, swinging on the swing and picking all the daisies in the park.

Each book comes with a CD so everyone can dance along to Melody Bear’s original, inspirational music composed by Eugene Kulikov.
Illustrated by Rod Beeton  . Music by Eugene Kulikov  . Written by Jill Bridger  .