Melody Movement Early Learning
The magical world of Melody Bear
Pre-school dance and beyond!
Milligan Bear® Melody Bear® Melody Movement, Little Bear Feet®, Junior Ballet™ & Ballet Classique™ are the trademarks of Jill Ewing
© Melody Movement Early Learning Ltd 2006 - 2016 Graphics © Rod Beeton © Photos Mark Ewing
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In our classes we look at the pictures and talk about the stories. The pictures
provide ideas for our dances. It’s fun to pretend it’s sports day and try to jump
high and run fast. We take a train journey too for more adventures with Milligan
Milligan Bear®
Milligan Bear is Melody Bear’s best friend. He has his own songs, music, stories and dance themes for boys who love to dance in addition to his own stickers and medals.
Visit our ‘classes’ page to find your nearest class.
Adventures with Melody Bear and Milligan Bear - teacher extension package
This extension package is available to licensed Melody Movement teachers. Girls and boys love his energetic theme song. His creative themes include Melody and Milligan explore the five senses, Milligan Bear goes to the moon, Melody Bear and the Frog Prince, Milligan Bear’s sports day, Milligan Bear and the dragon, Milligan Bear is a pirate and Milligan Bear is a pilot.
Full details of all our extension packages are available in the MMEL Teacher Resource Catalogue.
We talk about things we can touch, see, hear, smell and taste. We use our ideas
for dances. We all love Milligan Bear’s action song ‘What can I see in the mirror!’
‘Learning to dance and dancing to learn’™