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"The Class-
Rachel Dixon
Rachel Dixon School of Dance, Stourbridge
"Since we started 'Melody Bear' we have opened 2 extra classes and have another one
lined up -
Julie Turner
Julie Turner Stage Academy, Sheffield
“The team at DC Dance adore Melody Bear and her friends and after having introduced
the MMEL syllabus into our school a few years ago have experienced a massive rise
in our pre-
Dawn Chapman School of Dance
Todmorden, Lancashire
Testimonials from teachers and students using the Melody Movement curriculum
"The Teacher Training programme allows you time to reflect and see the effectiveness of the syllabus. It helps you reassess the structure of your classes and refreshes you into making them the best they can be. Help is always on hand either by phone or email. My assistant and I have had great fun taking part and feel that having that qualification establishes a more professional approach to the classes that parents look for.”
Catrina Feely, Etoile School of Dance
Ballymoney, Northern Ireland
"Class -
Deborah MacFarlane,
Deborah MacFarlane School of Dance, Northants
"I’m so in love with all this. It has the perfect learning and enjoyment combination. It is so positive and encouraging. It has brought me back the illusion of teaching and the enjoyment of dance.”
Ana Maria, Spain
"I’ve always loved helping out in class but the Student Assistant Development Programme has given me things to work towards and opportunities to improve different skills. My confidence has massively increased and my leadership skills have definitely got better. I really enjoy doing the tasks that I’m set and I felt a great sense of achievement once I’d completed them all. The 3 year old who presented me with my medal was nearly as proud as I was!” Holly, age 14, Cambridgeshire